Everything Changes

Emily and Richard are back, albeit briefly. As you may have gathered from the title "Everything Changes" there's a lot going on in both of our lives right now, which we run though in the podcast, but there are two key takeaways:

1) We're pausing things until the autumn, but we do intend to come back with new episodes then, and indeed we already have at least one clear idea for those.

2) When we do come back, there will be a slight change of emphasis and a broadening out of the central concept - If It's Hurting It's Not Working - but don't worry, if you've liked what we've done so far there will still be plenty of that content. Again Emily and I give a little more substance to our plans in the latest episode.

Thanks to all our listeners for your support during this first year of our podcast. It's meant a lot to see the interest in our episodes and to get feedback from some of you, often via our most popular social platform, LinkedIn, and sometimes in person.

Keep listening to the end, because even in this short an episode we still manage to produce a fair few outtakes.

Our Podbean podcast website: https://ifhurtnotwork.podbean,com

Our LinkedIn page is: linkedin.com/company/ifhurtnotwork

Twitter: @IfHurtNotWork

Email: ifhurtnotwork@gmail.com