Live podcasts
Here are some photos of the If It's Hurting It's Not Working live podcasts that we took part in during May at Arqiva, the company where Emily and Richard both work. These were part of the Let’s Connect initiative, bringing colleagues back together in numbers to enjoy both social time and the opportunity to take part in panel sessions, of which our live podcast one
In the top photo we're at Emley Moor, talking with our colleague Charli. Below that is Daventry, with guests Emily (another Emily!) and Sean and at the bottom is Crawley Court with Georgie and Katrina.
While these events were for colleagues only and won't appear on our podcast feed, we have made plans to record a couple of episodes, one later this month and another in July that will bring some similar content to our recorded podcast.
It was great fun to bring our podcast to colleagues and to feed off the energy of a live audience and we look forward to releasing new episodes soon.