Featured on Podbean
Today, and for this whole week, our podcast host Podbean is featuring If It's Hurting It's Not Working on their website and in their mobile app.
So in return, here's some promotion for them from Emily and me in a clip from our latest episode (below).
When you're starting a podcast there's a lot to think about. What's it going to be about? Who's going to listen to it? What's the right name? What cover art should you use and what music should you pick? So many creative decisions before you get near to actually recording and editing any episodes.
One thing you don't have to worry about when you choose Podbean as a host is all the technical stuff, like RSS feeds and bandwidth. You just have to upload the finished mp3 file, provide the cover art and description and Podbean does the rest.
Also there's lots of help and guidance for how to register your podcast with all the key players, like Apple Podcasts, Google and Spotify, so people can find your podcast wherever they're looking.
And finally, Podbean offers you a try before you buy offer, with 30 days of free hosting. Nobody knows whether a podcast will be successful before it launches and this offer means you don't have hosting costs before it's clear whether you have an audience.
So if you're wanting to start your own podcast, go to https://www.podbean.com and use the code PODCAST21 to get your first thirty days of podcast hosting for free.
You can find our podcast here.
And you can find links to all our episodes from this site.